Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Icici marketing stategy Essays

Icici marketing stategy Essays Icici marketing stategy Essay Icici marketing stategy Essay It pays special attention to customers needs and has a separate department named Product development department, which studies the market on a continuous basis and then analyze the competitive landscape. It constantly practices product innovation, for example, in order to meet the needs and wants of deferent customers, they have variants in many basic products like saving bank account. Further, it also indulges in product augmentation I. E. Defining the bank product with some extra benefits and features. They have adopted modernized by basing all its operations on technology. Some of the breakthrough Annihilates taken by ICC bank are: l) xx electronic branch which are one stop shop for all banking transactions and reaming operative 24 hours a day. II) Tab banking that allows customer to access their bank account at their own convenience through their tablets. Iii) Mediation Mobile App for Gnarls that allows then to track tier money transfer to India anytime, anywhere. Iv) My savings reward aerogram which allows customer to accumulate points on their ICC payback card and then redeem those points for exciting gifts from Icicles partners. ICC have followed various pricing strategies in order to attract customers and gain a major share of market. It has followed penetrative market strategy, gaining profit through volume, being the price leader in the retail banking sector. The distribution system of ICC is one of the best in the industry. Rather than waiting for the customer to come to them, they believe In reaching out to the customer. For this season, they have Introduced the concept of Direct Selling Agents (Adds) and Direct selling Teams (Dots). Apart from the sales agents, It also tries to reach out to Its customers through mobile, Tams and various online platforms on internet. The promotion strategy of ICC has been divided into two parts: I) Corporate branding focusing on the organization as a whole I) Product branding focusing on specific products of the organization The promotion of the bank is generally done through print media. Various other promotional tools Like billboards, signboards, kiosks at existential and commercial complexes, promotional material at the channel partners outlet.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Ann Richards Quotes

Ann Richards Quotes Ann Richards was governor of Texas from 1991-1995. When Ann Richards was elected State Treasurer in 1982, she was the first woman elected to statewide office in Texas since Ma Ferguson. Richards was reelected in 1986, unopposed, and then ran for governor in 1990. She came to national prominence with a keynote speech at the 1988 Democratic National Convention. In her 1994 reelection campaign, she lost to George W. Bush, the son of the presidential candidate shed skewered in 1988. Selected Ann Richards Quotations Im not afraid to shake up the system, and the government needs more shaking up than any other system I know. I have very strong feelings about how you lead your life. You always look ahead, you never look back. The here and now is all we have, and if we play it right its all well need. I have always had the feeling I could do anything and my dad told me I could. I was in college before I found out he might be wrong. They blame the low income women for ruining the country because they are staying home with their children and not going out to work. They blame the middle income women for ruining the country because they go out to work and do not stay home to take care of their children. I feel very strongly that change is good because it stirs up the system. I did not want my tombstone to read, She kept a really clean house. I think Id like them to remember me by saying, She opened government to everyone. Ive always said that in politics, your enemies cant hurt you, but your friends will kill you. Teaching was the hardest work I had ever done, and it remains the hardest work I have done to date. Let me tell you, sisters, seeing dried egg on a plate in the morning is a lot dirtier than anything Ive had to deal with in politics. Power is what calls the shots, and power is a white male game. If you think taking care of yourself is selfish, change your mind. If you dont, youre simply ducking your responsibilities. Im really glad that our young people missed the Depression, and missed the great big war. But I do regret that they missed the leaders that I knew. Leaders who told us when things were tough, and that we would have to sacrifice, and these difficulties might last awhile. They didnt tell us things were hard for us because we were different, or isolated, or special interests. They brought us together and they gave us a sense of national purpose. [1988 keynote address, Democratic National Convention] I have a real soft spot in my heart for librarians and people who care about books. You can put lipstick and earrings on a hog and call it Monique, but its still a pig. Women elected Bill Clinton this time. He acknowledges it, the country acknowledges it, and the columnists acknowledge it, and when you have that kind of political clout, you can effect change and do it well. And Im real proud to have been a part of that. I get a lot of cracks about my hair, mostly from men who dont have any. Let me tell you that I am the only child of a very rough-talking father. So dont be embarrassed about your language. Ive either heard it or I can top it. The public does not like you to mislead or represent yourself to be something youre not. And the other thing that the public really does like is the self-examination to say, you know, Im not perfect. Im just like you. They dont ask their public officials to be perfect. They just ask them to be smart, truthful, honest, and show a modicum of good sense. I believe in recovery, and I believe that as a role model I have the responsibility to let young people know that you can make a mistake and come back from it. There is a lot more to life than just struggling to make money. I thought I knew Texas pretty well, but I had no notion of its size until I campaigned it. Women, it was painfully clear, werent going to be allowed to use their brains and I certainly wanted to use mine. [Ive] been tested by fire and the fire lost. I hope all the WASP present and past will fly high on wings of our pride in their service ... you have my profound gratitude for the legacy you have given to us and the legacy you pass on to young women today. [about the Women Airforce Service Pilots] I believe Mama would have liked to have had more children, but times were hard and I was the only one. Daddy had the fear maybe that fear is indigenous to the Depression generation that he wouldnt be able to afford all the things he wanted to give me, and he wanted to give me everything hed never had. So they never had another child. Poor George, he cant help it. He was born with a silver foot in his mouth. [1988 keynote address, Democratic National Convention] I am delighted to be here with you this evening because after listening to George Bush all these years, I figured you needed to know what a real Texas accent sounds like. [1988 keynote address, Democratic National Convention] On How to Be a Good Republican: [excerpts] You have to believe that those privileged from birth achieve success all on their own.You have to be against all government programs, but expect Social Security checks on time.You have to believe...everything Rush Limbaugh says.You have to believe society is color-blind and growing up black in America doesnt diminish your opportunities, but you still wont vote for Alan Keyes.You have to be against government interference in business until your oil company, corporation or Savings and Loan is about to go broke and you beg for a government bailout.You have to believe a poor, minority student with a disciplinary history and failing grades will be admitted into an elite private school with a $1,000 voucher. Most of all, I remember those children in the classrooms and those kids who grabbed me around the knees, and I think of the old people who really need a voice when theyre trapped in wheelchairs in dirty nursing homes. The person in this office really must have a conscience to know that how they direct this government dramatically affects the lives of those people. Jill Buckley on Ann Richards: Shes sort of the female good old boy. You paid the price to some degree. You lost the governorship of Texas because this country still is a little bit schizoid, isn’t it, about the role of women in American politics? [1996 question of newsman Tom Brokaw to Ann Richards] More Womens Quotes: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z Explore Womens Voices and Womens History Womens Voices - About Womens QuotesBiographies of WomenToday in Womens HistoryWomens History Home About These Quotes Quote collection assembled by Jone Johnson Lewis. Each quotation page in this collection and the entire collection  © Jone Johnson Lewis. This is an informal collection assembled over many years. I regret that I am not able to provide the original source if it is not listed with the quote. Citation information:Jone Johnson Lewis. Ann Richards Quotes. About Womens History. URL: . Date accessed: (today). (More on how to cite online sources including this page)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Innovation - PAYPAL make the life more easier Essay

Innovation - PAYPAL make the life more easier - Essay Example In 2002, PayPal was acquired by EBay Inc. and made the official payment channel of the worldwide sites of EBay electronic commerce business wing. PayPal is chosen as the innovation topic for the essay because the establishment of PayPal was followed by huge success and popularity of the same in the international financial services and online payments domain. The essay would include a discussion of why PayPal can be considered to be a radical innovation in the electronic commerce and financial services domain. A review of the different literary works presented on the topic of innovation is done to link the theories of innovation to the practical example of PayPal as a breakthrough innovation. A section of the essay would include a discussion of the conditions and background which led to the establishment and success of PayPal in the global business platform. The essay would be suitably concluded with a summary of the findings from the report and with a small discussion regarding the future strategies that are likely to be used by PayPal for continued success and sustainability. PayPal was initially set up as a technology push innovation and later ensured continued success through sustainable innovative practices. This technological innovation was a result of the combination of technological advances and improvement in the use of materials and processes within different businesses. The innovation was fuelled and supported by the boom of electronic commerce activities across the globe. The cross border electronic commerce transactions conducted by millions of people across the globe created the need for a unique, safe, secure and globally usable online payment transfer domain. The innovators of PayPal tapped in this market need and used the advances in technology like access to internet, development of financial services domains and electronic commerce businesses to create the online

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Karl Marx, Estranged Labor in Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of Essay

Karl Marx, Estranged Labor in Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 (pdf) - Essay Example The workers were surprised to be given their last pay slip and were told that their contracts or workloads for LEX media are over. There was no prior notice, no just basis or any just explanation of the dismissal. Apparently, LEX media did this already in 2005 where more than 80 workers under News Division were also dismissed. The works rights to livelihood and job security were trivialized and ignored. It is true that labor produces for the rich wonderful things – but for the worker it produces privation. It produces palaces – but for the worker, hovels. It produces beauty – but for the worker, deformity. It replaces labor by machines, but it throws one section of the workers back into barbarous types of labor and it turns the other section into a Machine. It produces intelligence – but for the worker, stupidity, cretinism. Platinum is a vital metal utilized in most industries. South Africa is the worlds leading supplier of Platinum. A massive platinum mining operation exists in the country where over 80,000 African mining workers. The miners earn $400 a month and works in the harshest working conditions hazard pay and meager health benefits. Unionists are massacred, threatened, jailed or illegally dismissed. The worker becomes all the poorer the more wealth he produces, the more his production increases in power and size. The worker becomes an ever cheaper commodity the more commodities he creates. Sreymonm is a 23 year old factory worker in Cambodia. Her daily shift starts from 7 AM to 4 PM, six days a week. With regular over time, she is only paid 50 cents per hour or over $85 per month. Workers are the backbone of and industry as they help build wealth and abundance. Ironically, they are twice poorer than the wealth they bring (Larson, 2014). Filipino workers from the Pentagon Steel Company produce steel pipes, roofing, wiring,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Material Things Become Important After The Day Essay Example for Free

Material Things Become Important After The Day Essay During a nuclear war between Russia and the United States, the town of Fort Repose, Florida, is in the danger zone of radiation poisoning and contaminated items. Randy and the townspeople of Fort Repose must remain calm and ration their supplies. However, when the material things run low, everything becomes important. People must be creative and composed during this time of chaos. Therefore, the importance of material things after The Day leads to death, theft, and murder, but when people add to the chaos by trading the expensive for the inexpensive, people will do anything for the necessities, and that just adds to chaos causing the society of Fort Repose, Florida to be completely disrupted. In the town of Fort Repose, the people of the town are very confused and terrified about what is going to occur in the following months. In addition to this turmoil, people need to increase their supply of food, water, and anything else that they think could help them in this time of bedlam. The use and need of salt becomes very important in Alas, Babylon. In fact, salt is the main preservative of most foods, especially steak and meat. In detail, the salt preserves the meat by drawing out the moisture and creates an environment inhospitable to bacteria. If they were to put the meat in salt in cold weather, the salted meat could last for years. Not only does salt last long, but its trade in value is amongst the highest. Salt could be traded for really anything their mind could think of. Anyone would do anything to get his or her hands on salt if that meant food for a longer period of time. Equally important, is gasoline, the main element for the transportation of cars after The Day. Gasoline could only be obtained if one has had the money, has something worth the exchange, or they were a friend of the retailer. Gasoline becomes very valuable and expensive after The Day that Randy had to have special connections to get the gasoline from the vendors. Specifically, one had to know one for a long time and have a family connection to get enough gasoline to actually be useful. In fact, the gasoline was so important that the whole town decided to convene one day to combine all of the gasoline that the townspeople had just so they could make long distance visits and make sure their family members were alright after The Day. More importantly, the main value after The Day s batteries. Batteries in particular are the main source of wealth after The Day. Batteries are the life of the main source of all information that goes into Fort Repose, and when these batteries become low or die, the only source of information would be from HAM radios, which is used by Admiral Hazzard, which use batteries in a more energy efficient way. HAM radios are the source of where most of the information was broadcasted to the townspeople. In other words, everything that is usually in the common household is now needed to survive this terrible time. In this time of terror, people of Fort Repose are so desperate to get food or anything else that could be a great help to them; they would do anything to get these items, even a couple would kill innocent townspeople. When the highwaymen killed the citizens of Fort Repose, these rebels go to stores and kill the owner of the store, just to get his food. As a punishment, they one is killed in front of the town. Equally as bad, they would go into peoples homes and do the same thing. However, some people who were nicer or more religious and wouldnt dare to kill an innocent citizen would be nice and not kill the house owners. However, most families that are prepared would always have a gun in their hands that they could fire if anything bad is to happen, just like the firearm that Randy and Helen always have on their wall, just in case of emergency. Equally important, they stole the food instead of killing to get the food. Most of the time, they would just steal food from peoples self-owned stores. Money isnt important to the owners because you couldnt buy anything with money. The owners didnt even attempt to stop the criminals because they say that money wasnt worth anything after The Day. In fact, money couldnt be used to get anything. Money is worthless. In addition, people would steal the food because they were scared. They are afraid of what is going to happen in this terrible time after the bombing. Not only did they steal, but they also find people in the town and loot off of them. The rebels use the townspeople just to get items such as medicine, ammo, etc. like when the store is robbed and the owner didnt chase after the thieves. In addition, many of the people die because they do not have the essential materials to survive in this time of crisis. To be specific, penicillin is one main necessity for a few of the townspeople of Fort Repose, Florida. Actually, one of the townspeople, Livinia McGovern, dies from diabetes due to the lack of penicillin. In fact, in the town, they ran low on food, ammo, penicillin, etc. really quickly because they are isolated from every other town, state, etc. Last but not least, the trading of the expensive items for the inexpensive items leaves a lasting mark on The Day. In detail, the real full potential values of most items go substantially down after The Day like anything that can be run on electricity, due to the lack of electricity. Specifically the value of coffee and whiskey are changed after The Day. Coffee becomes more expensive than whiskey. However, whiskey could be used to treat wounds because of its alcohol contents. Coffee is one of the things that Randy and his family really love. Randy even thinks that whiskey is less important than coffee and that coffee is more essential than anything else. In addition, salt is another necessity that everyone in the town wants to have. The main value at that time is to have salt. Salt becomes very expensive costing almost $200 for two packs. Salt can be used in numerous ways and anyone would trade practically anything to get his or her hands on this magnificent item. However, not everything goes up in value. Many of the guns and ammunition that people had are just for emergencies, clothing is something that they would never run out of, and people have no use for anything electronic, so electronics lose value greatly. Besides, with the war going on, people are too concerned about what they are going to eat and how they are going to survive than electronics. After The Day the people of Fort Repose fight to find all necessities that they need to survive the war. The people of Fort Repose, including Randy Bragg, are all scared but are ready to withstand this terrible tragedy. However, the necessities deplete very quickly, putting many people in jeopardy of losing their lives. The lives of these people are forever changed by the loss of electricity, communication, and the necessities of life. When the necessities are completely gone, the citizens of Fort Repose all get together to solve their problems and what they are going to do to cope with the loss of things. Nevertheless, they all stay strong, are able to make a lasting impression on the town of Fort Repose during the nuclear war, and yet, they are willing to help stay and rebuild the town in Alas, Babylon.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Leadership Essay -- essays research papers

Leadership comes in many different forms but they all are heading toward the same goal; and that is to communicate with people. Some people are silent leaders and lead by example some are more vocal. Nevertheless, whatever type of leader you are, there are certain criteria that must be met. For example being a good role model, being dependable, being trust worthy, these are all things that a true leader must possess. However, all leaders have their strengths and weakness and these are a few areas in which men and woman striving to become leaders often have trouble dealing with. All to often leaders become over defensive and it beings to tear away at the seams of a cohesive unit. A little defensiveness is healthy your immune system. Excessive defensiveness will prevent you from learning from your mistakes after all, why do anything different, if all your mistakes are someone else's fault? Feeling angry because of changes imposed from above? Attack the stupidity of your bosses and you will feel better! This move can be self-defeating if it stops you from understanding their rationale and coming to terms with your own resistance to change. If you have healthy self-esteem, you should be able to admit your mistakes if you have low self-esteem you will either be too hard on yourself for even small mistakes, or you will overreact and defensively never admit them! When you anticipate the failure of one of your projects, do you start telling people why it will fail? You are setting up your defenses in advance so you will not have to create the m after the fact. Advance defensiveness can even facilitate failure. Some people will even sabotage their own projects, when they start to think they will fail, if they can do so in a way that ensures their getting off the hook. Recognizing and avoiding your own excessive defensiveness is not easy if you have developed a pattern of protecting a fragile self esteem in this way. However, you will not keep up with the demand in today's competitive market to learn faster if you do not confront this issue for yourself. Assertiveness - you may think you are assertive just because you rant and rave at times. Maybe you often give in to others, kidding yourself that you are just being reasonable. So how can you say "no" to your boss or others without incurring their wrath? Say "Yes, but"...... ...create a learning organization, first focus on creating a more entrepreneurial culture Fostering continuous employee development is complementary to a learning culture. However, an organization can learn in an entrepreneurial sense without a lot of employee development. You could have a fast learning organization that continually imported fresh talent with little emphasis on employee development. This is not to downplay the value of employee development - just to clearly separate it from organizational learning. Being a leader is never an easy task, and only a select few have the ability to lead. Not many people can take an organization, a team, or their local neighborhood and get them to work together toward a single goal. They have to be stern but at the same time sympathetic, they have to be able to delegate power without causing uproar. So many things go into being a leader that when everything is said and done, most people shy away from being a leader and feel as though they need to follow. However, that is the difference between a leader and a follower. When crunch time comes, the true leader will stand forward and guide his/her team, organization, or what have to victory.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Semiotics Essay

Serrena Wortham English 101/Johnson Semiotics Essay 1 10/18/12 Country Stars Within Society There are a lot of movies with a main character stereo-typed as a cowboy that might have dark skin from working in the sun, is muscular, has rough hands, and a southern drawl. He might ride a horse, work really hard in the barn or on a tractor, sing or play a classic country song, and is gentleman to all woman. This is an image that comes in the mind of many people who think of cowboys, and there could be some out there like this description. Based upon movies with characters like this, has the truth been twisted to make all these stereo-types?The media has created the idea of these male country stars being rugged and dangerous, giving a physical attraction or desire, and in addition being loyal and respectful to woman. These technically are not bad things, but they could be stereo-typical and judgmental. Male country stars are portrayed as masculine or rough in many magazine covers, ads, movi es and TV shows. For example in a Wranglers Retro Jeans ad, Jason Aldean smirks at the camera wearing his worn out blue jeans frayed at the bottom, ragged on t-shirt, and classic cowboy hat at one of his concerts. This laid back look of his is not very unheard of by country males.This ad shows Jason can have a full range of motion in the jeans, that they are durable enough to hold him all the way through his high energy concerts and other day activities. This implies that a male country star is hard on his jeans and needs them to be durable and reliable. Another example within this ad is the Wranglers logo. A rope spells out Wranglers on a leather patch with thick visible stitching. This shows that it will not move no matter what you put it through, such as the hard work of a cowboy. By looking at adds and pictures this is what you see but other examples can be hidden in lyrics of many country stars.For example Justin Moore’s song â€Å"I Could Kick Your Ass†. â€Å"Y ou got your million bucks, You got your flashy sports car, You got your trophy girls, Man you think you're a star, You got your teeth bleached, You like to play the rich game, Yeah you think you're a cowboy, The new Jesse James, I could kick your ass†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Justin Moore is claiming the person he is singing to is feminine and would loose in a fight against himself. He wants to show his rugged, harsh nature to his opponent to intimidate or fire him up to fight. This could be portrayed as â€Å"bad boy† behavior, which can be desirable.The â€Å"barbaric† attitude and look of these country stars can also be seen as sexy. â€Å"COUNTRY’S HOTTEST GUYS! † is one of first things seen on the April 2012 Country Special of People magazine cover, besides Blake Shelton’s enlarged perfected smirk. He is one of the nicer dressing country stars of today with his light colored button up shirt and vest, nicely controlled hair, but with the sexy unpolished lo ok of his unshaven face and intimate eyes. As if this look doesn’t catch your eyes enough the text fitted close to his face, â€Å"Blake Shelton- His funniest (AND BEST) interview ever! , will catch your eyes. Not only are they selling his looks but his personality also. It shows that there is more to see inside. Even if you weren’t attracted by his looks you could be drawn in by the fact that he is funny. Desiring an attractive, intimate, and funny guy is enough to buy a magazine for many woman, but there are a few more factors that are shown in other advertisements. In the poster for Faith Hill and Tim McGraw’s new fragrances, Tim shows his protection and loyalty to his wife by his body language, while Faith shows her contentment.His body is almost completely sheltering Faith from whatever could get her, his slight glare and straight mouth expression shows his seriousness and love towards the woman he is protecting. This look, the dark plainness of his shirt, and his classic cowboy hat shows his rough side while Faith’s smile and contentment with her husband shows how loved she feels by a man who is as loyal as he. They are both looking in the same direction off to the left, this symbolizes they share the same goals and feelings for each other. They are together and are sharing something mportant. All together this cowboy/country star is absolutely in love, loyal, and protective of his wife. After his recent marriage to Miranda Lambert, Blake Shelton in his song â€Å"Honey Bee† has lyrics that form yet another example. â€Å" You'll be my soft and sweet, I'll be your strong and steady, You'll be my glass of wine, I'll be your shot of whiskey, You'll be my sunny day, I'll be your shade tree,You'll be my honeysuckle, I'll be your honey bee†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In this song he demonstrates how perfectly things work together contrasting.Miranda being his soft and sweet, just like Faith letting her husband protect her and love her. Blake being the strong and steady protecting and respecting his wife, just like Tim. Miranda being the glass of wine demonstrates a soft relaxation while Blake being a shot of whiskey can also demonstrate a harsh, rugged personality. As I have explained, cowboys having a blunt ruggedness, seen as physically attractive and their respectful, loyal personalities make up the stereo-types of country stars today.Have people used this stereo-type of cowboys to make money or sell an idea? This is definitely how advertising operates. Creating a good idea in a movie or TV show, making it desirable and then making products and selling them based off of the stereo-type. For example when a little boy see’s a Star Wars movie and suddenly wants to be Luke Skywalker, he will beg his parents for a light-saber, and this is the goal to advertising, which had made country music as big as it is today.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Franklin D. Roosevelt vs. Barack Obama

Franklin D. Roosevelt vs. Barack Obama The economy of the 1930s was a devastating financial situation that the American public will never forget. However, this doesn’t mean that history will cease to repeat itself. The political policies of Franklin Delano Roosevelt are often acknowledged for the relief of our country’s depression and some of which are still in effect today. To avoid our current recession, will Barack Obama choose to base his policies off of FDR’s in hopes that the same plan will work twice?There are some similarities and differences between the political action today and the action during the Great Depression. Within just the first 99 days of his election as President, Roosevelt’s New Deal was put into action with the support of Congress. The New Deal was proposed to help relieve those who were unemployed or in danger of losing their homes and recover agriculture and business. Programs such as the Tennessee Valley Authority, Social Securi ty, and Medicare were created because of Roosevelt’s action in the Great Depression.Herbert Hoover, the preceding president, did not feel that government spending should be given directly to citizens. He believed that ‘helping’ the American people in this way would actually hurt their morale and cause them to become more like a socialist nation. Certain ideas such as enforcing fixed pricing, controlling businesses, and manipulating the value of currency were suggested and quickly declined by Hoover who believed all were Socialist ideas. Though many people saw Hoover as an evil man that refused to give away federal money, he was actually quite accurate with his predictions.For example, Welfare, which is a program used today that was created in the New Deal, is often misused today by people who are capable of working, but are too lazy to actually make their own income source. I believe that a lot of Americans today are spoon fed because of the government ‘hel p’ that they receive. Though Roosevelt did help in the Great Depression, his temporary ideas were turned into permanent solutions that have caused new damages today. Now our current President is forced with the decision to either help the public with temporary ideas like Roosevelt’s or look out for what is best for our future like Hoover.It’s not an easy decision. Barack Obama has made an impact in our economy in areas similar to Franklin Roosevelt. He has created jobs and packages, like Obamacare, that he believes will help American citizens. Obama helped bail out the auto industries similar to how Roosevelt helped bail out the banks during the depression. However, Barack passed the Wall Street Reform (which helped the American financial system be less confusing and more apparent) to make sure that we would never have to bail out the banks again.Barack has also eliminated tax breaks for companies who ship overseas to try and promote American companies to create more jobs for the citizens who are here. In his term, Obama has added over 479,000 jobs which is the most growth we’ve had in a decade. He has spoken many times on how he plans to build â€Å"from the middle class out† rather than from the top down. Our middle class is of high importance to Barack and because of this, he has gained a tremendous support from the public.It seems that our current president has taken a few ideas from Roosevelt with the added caution of the foreseeable future. Our country looks like it’s headed in the right direction, but we may never know whether the help provided will be temporary until we live through it. As citizens, it would be the best for us to learn how to live on our own without the help of our government. If we were to become too dependent on our welfare checks or social security, then we could end up being controlled instead of governing ourselves.The best solution would to be to save our money and work hard at what we do . Though it may seem that there are no jobs available to us at the moment, we do have to trust that the companies around us will see it better to provide domestic jobs rather than sending them overseas. Though I don’t entirely agree with how Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to solve the Great Depression, I have to admit that what he did he thought he was doing for the best. Great presidents like Obama, Roosevelt, and even Hoover are great because they think of us and not themselves.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Canadian Economy essays

Canadian Economy essays 1. Why are small businesses important to the Canadian economy? Small businesses have a strong presence in the Canadian economy as well as most countries in Europe. The contribution of a small business can be measured in terms of its effect on financial aspects in the economy. For example small businesses create 8 out of every 10 jobs, this presence holds great strengths in our Canadian economy. 2. What are the characteristics of a small business? There are three characteristics of a small business: Job Creation, Innovation, and importance to big businesses. Small businesses construct job creation, as a matter of fact a widely circulated study showed that small businesses created 8 of every 10 new jobs. Small business especially in certain industries is an important source of new and well paid jobs in this country. Small firms are also the first to hire in times of economic recovery. Innovation is such a large part of our small businesses in Canada. History has shown that some of the most greatest inventions have come from small businesses. For example: Personal computers, the jet engine, the ball point pen, photocopy machine, etc. The wealth of a big business providing a product is extremely dependent on small businesses, most of the products made by big manufactures are sold to consumers by small businesses. 3. What are the characteristics of an entrepreneur? The characteristics of an entrepreneur can very, most successful have characteristics that set them apart from other business owners. Some of the characteristics include: a resourcefulness and a concern for good, often personal, customer relations, desire to be their own bosses, many express a need to gain control over their lives or build for their families, and believe that building a successful business will help them do that. Most common characteristics of an entrepreneur are as follows: Assertiveness, challenge seeking, charismatic, creative,...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Babylonian Mathematics and the Base 60 System

Babylonian Mathematics and the Base 60 System Babylonian mathematics used a sexagesimal (base 60) system that was so functional it remains in effect, albeit with some tweaks, in the 21st century. Whenever people tell time or make reference to the degrees of a circle, they rely on the base 60 system. Base 10 or Base 60 The system surfaced circa 3100 BCE, according to The New York Times. â€Å"The number of seconds in a minute - and minutes in an hour - comes from the base-60 numeral system of ancient Mesopotamia,† the paper noted. Although the system has stood the test of time, it is not the dominant numeral system used today. Instead, most of the world relies on the base 10 system of Hindu-Arabic origin. The number of factors distinguishes the base 60 system from its base 10 counterpart, which likely developed from people counting on both hands. The former system uses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, and 60 for base 60, while the latter uses 1, 2, 5, and 10 for base 10. The Babylonian mathematics system may not be as popular as it once was, but it has advantages over the base 10 system because the number 60 â€Å"has more divisors than any smaller positive integer,† the Times pointed out. Instead of using times tables, the Babylonians multiplied using a formula that depended on knowing just the squares. With only their table of squares (albeit going up to a monstrous 59 squared), they could compute the product of two integers, a and b, using a formula similar to: ab [(a b)2 - (a - b)2]/4. The Babylonians even knew the formula that’s today known as the Pythagorean theorem. History Babylonian math has roots in the numeric system started by the Sumerians, a culture that began about 4000 BCE in Mesopotamia, or southern Iraq, according to ​USA Today. â€Å"The most commonly accepted theory holds that two earlier peoples merged and formed the Sumerians,† USA Today reported. â€Å"Supposedly, one group based their number system on 5 and the other on 12. When the two groups traded together, they evolved a system based on 60 so both could understand it.† That’s because five multiplied by 12 equals 60. The base 5 system likely originated from ancient peoples using the digits on one hand to count. The base 12 system likely originated from other groups using their thumb as a pointer and counting by using the three parts on four fingers, as three multiplied by four equals 12. The main fault of the Babylonian system was the absence of a zero. But the ancient Maya’s vigesimal (base 20) system had a zero, drawn as a shell. Other numerals were lines and dots, similar to what is used today to tally. Measuring Time Because of their mathematics, the Babylonians and Maya had elaborate and fairly accurate measurements of time and the calendar. Today, with the most advanced technology ever, societies still must make temporal adjustments - almost 25 times per century to the calendar and a few seconds every few years to the atomic clock. There’s nothing inferior about modern math, but Babylonian mathematics may make a useful alternative to children who experience difficulty learning their times tables.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Impact of H&M Mobile Application on Consumer Behaviour Essay

Impact of H&M Mobile Application on Consumer Behaviour - Essay Example The Hennes clothing store started its operations in the year 1947 in Vasteras, Sweden. In the initiation process the store only provided clothes for women, but with the passage of time and demand of the public the business also included the mens and kids clothes. The stores have stated many brands including the H&M, COS, Monki, Weekday, Cheap Monday and other stories. The company also provides fashion products for home and the store named H&M Home (H&M, 2015). The company started expanding in the local market and the second store was opened in Stockholm, the brand started to expand to the international market and in the year 1964 the store was opened in Norway. In the year 1968 the founder of Hennes acquired Mauritz Widforss and converted the name of Hennes to Hennes & Mauritz. The business got listed in the year 1974 and the first store in UK was established in 1976. The product was heavily demanded in many countries outside Sweden and therefore the brand was introduced in Netherland and Germany. The company continued to expand to Europe, the company also expanded their business to online market and the catalogue sales also started in the year 2006 (H&M, 2015). The company expanded its operations to Asia, including stores in Hong Kong and Shanghai and other stores in Japan. Till the year 2014 the brand reached to approximately all the big countries all over the world. The company once established as a women clothing store relatively dive rsified to mens and kids fashion clothing. The company was providing their products only through their stores and online site but the management realized the importance of mobile applications and worked on developing the mobile app to provide accessibility to their customers.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Thomas Hobbes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Thomas Hobbes - Essay Example Contrarily, by the theory of his equality and the seed of superiority already existent within everyman becomes the eternal hamartia, which clashes with the very idea of the "common power" that man tries to bind the others into, where each will always try to supercede the other. "Warre" is the result of every man trying to hold every other man in awe! The will is not inclined towards any disposition and everybody is live "without security" and depends on his own individual strength, which only makes his life "nasty, brutish and short.". However, Hobbes points out that these acts of passion and desire that override man's nature and make him abuse one another are no sin and are only viewed as wrong when measured against some Law that makes it look so. Thus, he talks about man's nature pitted against the Law that can only be laid down when it agrees with man and which then gives man the consciousness of it's existence and what it forbids. Therefore, where there is no law or no consciousness of what is forbidden (he takes the example of primitive America ruled by savages) where the notions of justice and injustice have no place because they are not part of any faculty of the mind or the body.