Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Respective Theories Of Motivation Psychology Essay
The Respective Theories Of Motivation Psychology Essay The term motivation derived from the Latin word movere, meaning to move. Motivation represents those psychological processes that cause the arousal, direction, and persistence of voluntary actions that are goal oriented (Mitchell, 1982). Motivation as defined by Robbins (1993) is the willingness to exert high levels of effort toward organizational goals, conditioned by the efforts ability to satisfy some individual need. A need in this context is an internal state that makes certain outcomes appears attractive. An unsatisfied need creates tension that stimulates drives within the individual. These drives then generate a search behavior to find particular goals that, if attained, will satisfy the need and lead to the reduction of tension (Robbins, 1993). Luthans (1998) sees it as the process that arouses, energizes, directs, and sustains behavior and performance, while Pinder (1998) defines work motivation as the set of internal and external forces that initiate work-related behavior, and determine its form, direction, intensity and duration. According to Nelson and Quick (2003), motivation is the process of arousing and sustaining goal-directed behavior. The most practical definition proposed by social scientist that, motivation is a psychological processes thatorigin the stimulation, direction, and persistence of behaviour (Luthans, 2005). 2.3 Employees Motivation Theories There are many theories of motivation. The researcher identified the most relevant theories and explained the respective theories of motivation and how motivation gives an valuable impact on job satisfaction. 2.3.1 Maslows Need Hierarchy Theory Maslows Hierarchy of needs is one of the motivation theories that used all over the world. Maslow theory is a basic to start examining the different motivation theories. The first idea of Maslow is people always tend to want something and what they want depends on what they already have. According to Mullins (2007) states that Maslow proposed that there are five different levels of needs people have to seek for satisfaction of their basic needs. The first level of this theory is Physiological Needs. These needs include the most basic of all human needs like water, shelter, food, warmth, rest and clothing. When people dont feel hunger, thirst or cold, their needs go to a next level. The second lowest level is Safety Needs. Need to feel secure and protected in his/her family as well as in a society of day-to-day life is a part in this level. Next, the third level is Belonging and Love Need. After feeling secure, people need for love, affection, sense of belongingness in ones relationship with other persons. The fourth level is Esteem Needs. It is the need to be unique with self-respect and to enjoy esteem from other individuals. People want to evaluate themselves highly and based on their achievement receive appreciation from other people. Lack of these needs may cause inferiority, helplessness and weakness. Highest level of Maslows hierarchy of needs is Self-Actualization. The development of this need is based on the satisfac tion at the other four lower levels. It refers to the need of self-fulfillment and to the tendency to become actualized in what a person is potential. The core of this theory lies in the fact that when one need is fulfilled, its strength diminishes and the strength of the next level increases (Latham, 2007). Figure 2.3.1 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs maslows-hierarchy-of-needs1 2.3.2 Equity Theory Equity theory recognizes that individuals are concerned not only with the absolute amount of rewards they receive for their efforts, but also with the relationship of this amount to what others receive. Based on ones inputs, such as effort, experience, education, and competence, one can compare outcomes such as salary levels, increases, recognition and other factors. When people perceive an imbalance in their outcome-input ratio relative to others, tension is created. This tension provides the basis for motivation, as people strive for what they perceive as equity and fairness (Robbins, 1993). One of the prominent theories with respect to equity theory was developed through the work of J.S. Adams. Adams theory is perhaps the most rigorously developed statement of how individuals evaluate social exchange relationships (Steers, 1983). The major components of exchange relationships in this theory are inputs and outcomes. In a situation where a person exchanges her or his services for pa y, inputs may include previous work experience, education, effort on the job, and training. Outcomes are those factors that result from the exchange. The most important outcome is likely to be pay with outcomes such as supervisory treatment, job assignments, fringe benefits, and status symbols taken into consideration also. Equity theory rests upon three main assumptions (Carrell, 1978). First, the theory holds that people develop beliefs about what constitutes a fair and equitable return for their contributions to their jobs. Second, the theory assumes that people tend to compare what they perceive to be the exchange they have with their employers. The other assumption is that when people believe that their own treatment is not equitable, relative to the exchange they perceive others to be making, they will be motivated to take actions they deem appropriate. This concept of equity is most often interpreted in work organizations as a positive association between an employees effort or performance on the job and the pay she or he receives. Adams (1965) suggested that individual expectations about equity or fair correlation between inputs and outputs are learned during the process of socialization and through the comparison with inputs and outcomes of others. Pinder (1984) stated that feelings of inequita ble treatment tend to occur when people believe they are not receiving fair returns for their efforts and other contributions. The challenge therefore for organizations is to develop reward systems that are perceived to be fair and equitable and distributing the reward in accordance with employee beliefs about their own value to the organization. The consequences of employees perceiving they are not being treated fairly create a variety of options for the employees (Champagne, 1989). These options include the employees reducing their input through directly restricting their work output, attempting to increase their output by seeking salary increases or seeking a more enjoyable assignment. Other possibilities are to decrease the outcomes of a comparison other until the ratio of that persons outcomes to inputs is relatively equal or increasing the others inputs. In addition to the above mentioned, the employee could simply withdraw from the situation entirely, that is, quit the job and seek employment elsewhere. 2.3.3 Expectancy theory The concept of expectancy was originally formulated by Vroom and it stands for the probability that action or effort will lead to an outcome. The concept of expectancy was defined in more detail by Vroom as follows: Where an individual chooses between alternatives which involve uncertain outcomes, it seems clear that his behavior is affected not only by his preferences among these outcomes but also by the degree to which he believes these outcomes to be possible. Expectancy is defined as momentary belief concerning the likelihood that a particular act will be followed by a particular outcome. Expectancies may be described in terms of their strength. Maximal strength is indicated by subjective certainty that the act will be followed byoutcome, while minimal strength is indicated by the subjective certainty that the actwill not be followed by the outcome (Vroom, 1964). Fundamental to all the popular theories of motivation is the notion that employees are motivated to perform better when offered something they want, something they believe will be satisfying. However, offering the employees something they believe will be satisfying is necessary, but not enough. They must believe that it is possible to achieve what they want. Employees are not motivated to perform better when managers focus on the offering and ignore the believing. Employees confidence that they will get what they want involves three separate and distinct beliefs. The first belief is that they can perform well enough to get what is offered. The second is thatthey will get it if they perform well. The third belief is that what is offered will be satisfying. Each of these three beliefs deals with what employees think will happen if they put effort to perform. The first belief deals with the relationship between effort and performance, the second with the relationship between performance and outcomes, and the third with the relationship between outcomes and satisfaction. All these beliefs are interrelated because an employee effort leads to some level of performance, the performance leads to outcomes, and the outcomes lead to some amount of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. In conclusion, the expectancy theory of motivation requires the fulfillment of the following conditions: employees are motivated to perform only when they believe that effort will lead to performance, performance will lead to outcomes, and the outcomes will lead to satisfaction (Green, 1992). Effort-to-performance expectancy is the starting point in the implementation of the expectancy theory. It is a persons perception of the probability that effort will lead to successful performance. If we believe our effort will lead to higher performance, this expectancy is very strong, then we are certain that the outcome will occur. If we believe our performance will be the same no matter how much effort we make, our expectancy is very low, meaning that there is no probability that the outcome will occur. A person who thinks there is a moderate relationship between effort and subsequent performance has an adequate expectancy, and thus put maximum effort in the performance. The next stage in the expectancy theory is performance-to-outcome expectancy, which is a persons perception of the probability that performance will lead to certain other outcomes. If a person thinks a high performer is certain to get a pay raise, this expectancy is high. On the other hand, a person who believes raises are entirely independent of the performance has a low expectancy. Thus, if a person thinks performance has some bearing on the prospects for a pay raise, his or herexpectancy is adequate. In a work setting, several performance-to-outcome expectancies are relevant because several outcomes might logically result from performance. Each outcome, then, has its own expectancy. The final stage in the expectancy linkage is named outcomes and valences. An outcome is anything that might potentially result from performance. High level performance conceivably might produce such outcomes as a pay raise, a promotion, recognition from the boss, fatigue, stress, or less time to rest, among others. The valence of an outcome is the relative attractiveness or unattractiveness of that outcome to the person. Pay raises, promotion, and recognition might all have positive valences, whereas fatigue, stress, and less time to rest might all have negative valences. The stress of outcome valences varies from person to person. Work-related stress may be a significant negative factor for one person but only a slight annoyance for someone desperately in need of money, a slight positive valence for someone interested mostly in getting promotion or, for someone in an unfavorable tax position, even a negative valence. The basic expectancy framework suggests that three conditions must be met before motivated behavior occurs (Griffin, 2007). Behavioral scientists generally agree that the expectancy theory of motivation represents the most comprehensive, valid and useful approach to understanding motivation. However, it does not end with only understanding, it is also important to be able to motivate people to perform. In this regard, the Expectancy theory generally has been considered quite difficult to apply. This is no longer true, as there are many application models that have been developed over the years and which are quite simple and straightforward (Green, 1992). 2.3.4 Herzberg Motivation/Hygiene theory Herzbergs motivation/hygiene theory is also known as the two-factor theory. Herzberg started the study job satisfaction in the 1950s in Pittsburg. The basis of Herzbergs work is in the Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. He started with the idea that what causes the job satisfaction are the opposite of those things that cause job dissatisfaction. However, after studying thousands of books he couldnt draw any guidelines. He conducted a survey where he asked participants to identify those things that made them feel positive with their job and those that made them feel negative. As a result Herzberg found out that what makes people happy is what they do or the way theyre utilized and what makes people unhappy is the way theyre treated. Things that make people satisfied at work are different from those that cause dissatisfaction so those two feelings cant be opposite. Based on these findings, Herzberg created his theory of motivators and hygiene factors. Both factors can motivate workers but they work for different reasons. Hygiene factors tend to cause only short-term satisfaction to the workers while motivators most probably cause longer-term job satisfaction. Motivatorsor satisfiers are those factors that cause feelings of satisfaction at work. These factors motivate by changing the nature of the work. They challenge a person to develop their talents and fulfill their potential. For example adding responsibility to work and providing learning opportunities to a person to work at a higher level can lead to a positive performance growth in every task a person is expected to do if the possible poor results are related to boredom of the task they are supposed to accomplish. Motivators are those that come from intrinsic feelings. In addition to responsibility and learning opportunities also recognition, achievement, advancement and growth are motivation factors.These factors dont dissatisfy if they are not present but by giving value to these, satisfaction level of the employees is most probably going to grow (Bogardus, 2007). When hygiene factors are maintained, dissatisfaction can be avoided. When opposite, dissatisfaction is most probably to occur and motivation cant take place. 2.4 Employees Job Satisfaction Many definitions of the concept of job satisfaction have been formulated over time. According to Locke (1969), job satisfaction is a state of emotional gladness, results from the achievement of the goals that one get through performing his part of contribution inside an organization. Employee job satisfaction is influenced by the internal organization environment, which includes organizational climate, leadership types and personnel relationships (Taber and Seashore, 1975). Locke and Lathan (1990) give a comprehensive definition of job satisfaction as pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job or job experience. Job satisfaction is a result of employees perception of how well their job provides those things that are viewed as important. Work satisfaction results from the perception that ones job fulfills, or allows the fulfillment of ones important job values. Phrased differently, work is gratifying if it complements ones personal desires and needs. Definition by McCormick and Ilgen (1980) looks similar. They also regarded job satisfaction as a persons attitude towards his or her job, and added that an attitude is an emotional response to the job, which may vary along a continuum from positive to negative. In addition, Megginson, Mosley and Pietri (1982) stated that people experience job satisfaction when they feel good about their jobs, and that this feeling often relates to their doing their jobs well, or their becoming more proficient in their professions, or their being recognized for good performance. According to Wiener (1982) states that job satisfaction is an attitude towards work-related conditions, facets, or aspects of the job. Arnold and Feldman (1986) described job satisfaction as the amount of overall affect that individuals have toward their job. High job satisfaction therefore means that an individual likes his or her work in general, appreciates it and feels positive about in. According to Mitchell and Lasan (1987), it is generally recognized in the organizational behaviour field that job satisfaction is the most important and frequently studied attitude. Job satisfaction is so important in that its absence often leads to lethargy and reduced organizational commitment (Moser, 1997). Lack of job satisfaction is a predictor of quitting a job (Alexander, Litchtenstein and Hellmann, 1997; Jamal, 1997). Sometimes workers may quit from public to the private sector and vice versa. At the othertimes the movement is from one profession to another that is considered a greener pasture. Job satisfaction has been defined as à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ an attitude that individual has about their job, it results from their perception of their job and the degree to which there is good fit between the individual and the organization (Ivancevich et al., 1997). Job satisfaction is an important motivator to employees performance. While Luthan (1998) posited that there are three important dimensions to job satisfaction: Job satisfaction is an emotional response to a job situation. It can only be inferred. Job satisfaction is often determined by how well outcome meet or exceed expectations. For instance, if organization participants feel that they are working much harder than others in the department but are receiving fewer rewards they will probably have a negative attitudes towards the work, the boss and or coworkers. On the other hand, if they feel they are being treated very well and are being paid equitably, they are likely to have positive attitudes towards the job. Job satisfaction represents several related attitudes which are most important characteristics of a job about which people have effective response. These to Luthans are: the work itself, pay, promotion opportunities, supervision and coworkers. Schneider and Snyder (1975) regard job satisfaction as a personal evaluation of conditions present in the job, or outcomes that arise as a result of having a job. It appears then that job satisfaction encapsulates a persons perception and evaluation of his job, and that this perception is influenced by the persons unique disposition. People will therefore evaluate their jobs against those aspects that are important to them (Sempane et al., 2002). Since job satisfaction involves employees emotions and feelings, it has a major impact on their personal, social and work lives (Sempane et al., 2002) and for this reason may also influence their behaviour as employees, e.g. absenteeism (Locke, 1976; Visser, Breed and Van Breda, 1997). According to Feinstein (2000) states thatjob satisfaction is more of a response to a specific job or various aspects of the job. Job satisfaction is an important element from organizational perspective, as it leads to higher organizational commitment of employees and high commitment leads to overall organizational success and development (Feinstein, 2000) additionally growth, effectiveness and efficiency of the organization and low employees intentions to leave the organization (Mosadeghard, 2008). Obstinately, dissatisfied individuals leave the organization and inflate the motivation of those staying there (Feinstein, 2000) and as a result workers loose performance and efficiency and might sabotage the work and leave the job (Sonmezer andEryaman, 2008). According to Ramayah, Jantan and Tadisina (2001), job satisfaction explains how employees are buoyant to come to work and how they get enforced to perform their jobs. Other researchers narrate job satisfaction as being the outcome of the workers appraisal of extent to which the work environment fulfillment the individuals needs (Dawis and Lofquist 1984). Various researchers have contributed their research findings from organizational set ups, in order to increase employee job satisfaction and have given various suggestions to boost up the satisfaction. Feinstein (2000) says in order to increase individuals satisfaction level employees should be given advancement opportunities. Similarly changes in organizational variables, such as pay scales, employee input in policy development, and work environment could then be made in an effort to increase organizational commitment and overall outcome. Elton Mayo found that interaction within the group is the biggest satisfier. Safety, relation to work and success are followed by intergroup relations (Bektas, 2003). Mosadeghard (2000) gave job satisfaction dimensions like nature of the job, management and supervision, task requirement, co-workers, job security, and recognition and promotion had more effect on employees organizational commitment in organizational set up. According to Oshagbemi (2003), job satisfaction is an important attribute which organizations desire of their employees. The job satisfaction by employees can contribute to the success of an organization because employees can give full commitment and motivation to perform their job. Pensions and profit-sharing plans are positively associated with job satisfaction (Bender and Heywood, 2006). According to Stephen (2005), one would be wrong to consider one single measure of job satisfaction and there may be number of reasons that need to be considered. He further found that actual work was the biggest satisfier and working conditions were the least satisfier; job security was also big determinant of job satisfaction. (Penn et al., 1988) found that opportunity for professional development is the biggest determinant to differentiate satisfied and non-satisfied employees. An employee will be satisfied if he has reached the ideals in his profession; he will develop positive feelings towards his profession (Sirin, 2009). Absence of work life balance, lack advancement opportunities, work environment, lack of encouragement, and lack of recognition may lead to stress, which ultimately causes dissatisfaction, burnout and finally increased turnover rate within organization (Ahmadi andAlireza, 2007). Job satisfaction is inversely related to burnout, intentions to leave the organization (Penn et al., 1988). According to OLeary, Wharton and Quinlan (2009), job satisfaction is also generally conceived as an attitudinal variable that reflects the degree to which people like their jobs, and positively related to employee health and performance. Toper (2008) stated that, If a person believes that the values are realized within the job, this person possesses a positive attitude towards the job and acquire job satisfaction. In the other words, employees will be motivates to perform their job with good attitudes, so that employees will be automatically satisfied with the job. Topper (2008) proposed that Maslows need theory has connection with job satisfaction. An employee will be satisfied with his/her job when he or she achieves the levels of needs, e.g. physiological, security, social, self-esteem and self-actualization. Mosadeghard (2008) gave job satisfaction dimensions like nature of the job, management and supervision, task requirement, co-workers, job security, and recognition and promotion as having more effect on employees organizational commitment in organizational set up. OLeary, Wharthon and Quinlan (2008), job satisfaction is also generally conceived as an attitudinal variable that reflects the degree to which people like their jobs, and positively related to employee health and job performance. With referring to the concept of Herzbergs motivation theories and supported by other researchers, it shows that motivational factors (achievement, advancement, work itself, recognition and growth) are key foundation that influences and has significant impact on employees job satisfaction.Thus, it is proposed that; There is a significant relationship between achievement and job satisfaction. There is a significant relationship between advancement and job satisfaction. There is a significant relationship between work itself and job satisfaction. There is a significant relationship between recognition and job satisfaction. There is a significant relationship between growth and job satisfaction. 2.5 Research Model This study has integrated different views and thought from past research to study the concept of motivation and factors affecting on employee job satisfaction. Thus, this study focuses on Herzbergs motivation theories. The motivational factors in this theory are achievement, advancement, work itself, recognition and growththat give an impact on employee job satisfaction. Based on that, the research model developed for this study can be seen in Figure 2.5.1. Figure 2.5.1: Research Model of the study Achievement Advancement Job Satisfaction Work Itself Recognition Growth Independent Variable Dependent Variable 2.6 Summary This chapter reviewed literatures on the independent variables of the present study, which are motivational factors (achievement, advancement, work itself, recognition and growth). Meanwhile, our dependent variable that is job satisfaction was discussed. Research methodology of the present study will be discussed in the following chapter.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Moralitys Biological Nature Essay example -- Biology Essays Research
Morality's Biological Nature: Implications for the Attribution of "Good" and "Evil". "A man who has no assured and ever present belief in the existence of a personal God or of a future existence with retribution and reward, can have for his rule of life, as far as I can see, only to follow those impulses and instincts which are the strongest or which seem to him the best ones. . . . If he acts for the good of others, he will receive the approbation of his fellow men and gain the love of those with whom he lives." - Charles Darwin In my last paper "Serial Killers: Just trying to feel normal, it's not my fault" (4) I addressed the question as to whether biology can make us murderers. In my paper I catalogued multiple instances in which biology seems to consistently differ between 'normal' people and individuals who have been dubbed the most immoral, inhuman and evil predators of society. Though I found many biological differences between the normal brain and the murderer's brain, it was not necessarily explained that 'morality' is a common, biologically based aspect of human behavior. The nature of my prior paper was to ascertain whether there is a difference in our brain from that of a killer, but in this paper I explore the biological function of 'morality' and its natural occurrence in the catalogue of human behaviors. Discussing 'morality' as a phenomenon that is inherent in humans will then allow the further exploration of the implications of deviation from this 'norm'. Can these individuals be labeled as 'evil' and be held accountable for their behavior? As the former paper posed implications pertaining to the 'accountability' of a murderer, this paper proposes that these individuals have strayed from the underlying... ...CA/Mail/xmcamail.1997_11.dir/0086.html 3)Brain: The neurobiology of morals. , A small, applicable article. http://www.nature.com/news/1999/991021/full/991021-6.html;jsessionid=DC80A23979EBD5D46DCA819DFA12AC26 4)Serial Killers: Just trying to feel normal, it's not my fault, My last paper. http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neuro01/web2/Solano.html 5) Origins of Human Mind Revisited, A short article that touched upon some new ideas. http://abcnews.go.com/sections/science/DailyNews/brainyapes980511.html 6) To the objectives for Good Natured., Commentary upon de Waal's book from a college class. http://mlabar.swu.edu/Animal%20Behavior/Comments%20on%20Good%20Natured.htm 7) The Impact of Psychological Research on Christian Beliefs and Practices , A source of challenges, insights and reminders. http://www.st-edmunds.cam.ac.uk/cis/jeeves/lecture3.html
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Reasearch metods
Your mission is to apply tools of financial analysis to determine the major causes of Grant's financial problems. If you had been performing this analysis contemporaneously with the release of publicly reported information, when would you have become skeptical of the ability of Grant to continue as a viable going concern? One of the major causes of Grant's financial problem, Is regarding the credit extension and credit terms.These credit terms let consumers only pay $1 for their minimum monthly payments, regardless of the total amount of purchases. This caused Grant to obtain a short-term loan of $600 million to cover the credit of consumer purchases. Another major cause of Grant's financial problem, would be the new product line that he wanted to Implement and It being eliminated from the stores. In addition, numerous stores were also closing which diminished their revenues and chances In reaping the benefit of opening new stores to accommodate the middle-income consumers.From the p ublicly reported Information, I would have become skeptical of the ability f Grant to continue as a viable concern when he Implemented the new strategy of credit extension. The new strategy put W. T. Grant In a position to procure finances from several different banks to absorb the credit from purchases. With the short- term loan not being significant enough to overcome those events, the company had to close a number of stores that were not profitable. The short-term debt Increased almost $20,000 from 1966 to 1967 because of the credit extension to customers and not collecting accounts receivable.Even with the customer Installment receivable Increasing from 1967 to 1968 by almost $30,000, the credit Limit for customer purchases were not being paid fully so the company had to take out more short-term loans. They also had to pull the strategy of Introducing a new product line, which Included furniture and private-brand appliances. The closing of numerous stores would also bring a subs tantial loss of $177 million and a decreases In credit operations accounting. Another problem of Grant continuing as a viable going concern would be the ability for Grant to pay for merchandise.Having a problem tit paying for merchandise will also show a tremendous loss In sales and revenue. This can be seen In the Income statement from sales Increasing, but the net Income decreasing every year since 1972 and having a negative value of 177,340 In year 1975. The retained earnings can also show that In year 1975 the decrease was over $200,000. Research methods By bladderwort One of the major causes of Grant's financial problem, is regarding the credit the new product line that he wanted to implement and it being eliminated from the revenues and chances in reaping the benefit of opening new stores to accommodateFrom the publicly reported information, I would have become skeptical of the ability of Grant to continue as a viable concern when he implemented the new strategy of credit exte nsion. The new strategy put W. T. Grant in a position to procure finances to close a number of stores that were not profitable. The short-term debt increased not collecting accounts receivable. Even with the customer installment receivable increasing from 1967 to 1968 by almost $30,000, the credit limit for customer loans. They also had to pull the strategy of introducing a new product line, which included furniture and private-brand appliances.The closing of numerous stores would also bring a substantial loss of $177 million and a decreases in credit concern would be the ability for Grant to pay for merchandise. Having a problem with paying for merchandise will also show a tremendous loss in sales and revenue. This can be seen in the income statement from sales increasing, but the net income decreasing every year since 1972 and having a negative value of 177,340 in year 1975. The retained earnings can also show that in year 1975 the decrease was over
Friday, January 3, 2020
Biography of Lizzie Borden, Accused Murderer
Lizzie Borden (July 19, 1860ââ¬âJune 1, 1927), also known asà Lizbeth Borden or Lizzie Andrew Borden, is famousââ¬âor infamousââ¬âfor allegedly murdering her father and stepmother in 1892. She was acquitted, but the murders are memorialized in a childrens rhyme: Lizzie Borden took an axeAnd gave her mother forty whacksAnd when she saw what she had doneShe gave her father forty-one. Fast Facts: Lizzie Borden Known For: Accused of killing her father and stepmother with an axà Born: July 19, 1860 in Fall River, MassachusettsParents: Andrew Jackson Borden, Sarah Anthony, Abby Durfee Gray (stepmother)Died: June 1, 1927 in Fall River, MassachusettsEducation: Morgan Street School, high schoolNotable Quote: Maggie, come quick! Fathers dead. Somebody came in and killed him. Early Life Lizzie Borden was born on July 19, 1860, in Fall River, Massachusetts, the third of three children born to Andrew Jackson Borden (1822ââ¬â1892) and Sarah Anthony Morse Borden (1823ââ¬â1863). The eldest was Emma Lenora Borden (1851ââ¬â1927). A middle child, a daughter, died in infancy. In 1865, Andrew Borden remarried to Abby Durfree Gray (1828ââ¬â1892), and the couple and their daughters lived mostly quietly and uneventfully until 1892. Lizzie attended the Morgan Street School, which was not far from her home, and the local high school. After graduating, she was active at church by way of teaching Sunday school and serving as secretary of the local Christian Endeavor Society. She was also a member of the Womans Christian Temperance Union and dabbled in the Ladies Fruit and Flower mission. In 1890, Lizzie briefly traveled abroad with some friends. Family Conflict Andrew Borden started out his business career as an undertaker but bought rental properties and went into banking and textile mills as well. At the time of his death, he was a bank president and a director of several textile mills, and estimates said he was worth about $300,000 (about $8.5 million in 2019), not counting his real estate. He was, however, known for being miserly with his money. In contrast to the fathers wealth, the house they lived in was small and shabby, not in the part of town where the rest of Fall River elite society lived, and had neither electricity or indoor plumbing. In 1884 when Andrew gave his wifes half-sister a house, his daughters objected and fought with their stepmother, refusing thereafter to call her mother and calling her simply Mrs. Borden instead. Andrew tried to make peace with his daughters. Inà 1887, he gave them some funds and allowed them to rent out his old family home: at the time of the murders, Lizzie had a small weekly income and $2,500 in a bank account (what would be $70,000 today). Lizzies Difficulties According to various accounts, Lizzie was mentally disturbed. She was known to be a kleptomaniacââ¬âlocal shopkeepers would check for missing objects after she had been in and send a bill to her father, who paid them. And in 1891, Abbys jewelry box was rifled, after which her father bought locks for his bedroom door. In July 1892, Lizzie and her sister Emma went to visit some friends; Lizzie returned and Emma remained away. In early August, Andrew and Abby Borden were struck with an attack of vomiting, and Mrs. Borden told someone that she suspected poison. John Morse, the brother of Lizzies mother, came to stay at the house. Morse and Andrew Borden went into town together on the morning of August 4. Andrew came home alone. Killings The reconstruction of the crime found that around 9:30 a.m. on August 4, 1892, Abby was hacked to death with an ax, interrupted while she was in the guest bedroom. Andrew arrived about an hour later, met Lizzie and the maid at the door, and went to sleep on the sofa in the sitting room. He was killed, also hacked to death, at roughly 10:45 a.m. The maid, who had earlier been ironing and washing windows, was taking a nap when Lizzie called her to come downstairs. Lizzie said she had been in the barn and returned to find her father dead. After the doctor across the street was called, Abbys body was found. Because Andrew died without a will, his estate went to his daughters, not to Abbys heirs. Lizzie Borden was arrested in the killings. The Trial Lizzie Bordens trial began on June 3, 1893. It was widely covered by the local and national press. Some Massachusetts feminists wrote in Bordens favor. Townspeople split into two camps. Borden did not testify, having told the inquest that she had been searching the barn for fishing equipment and then eating pears outside during the time of the murders. She said, I am innocent. I leave it to my counsel to speak for me. Evidence included a report that shed tried to burn a dress a week after the murders (a friend testified it had been stained with paint)à and reports that she had tried to buy poison just before the murders. The murder weapon was never found for certainââ¬âa hatchet head that may have been washed and deliberately made to look dirty was discovered in the cellar. No blood-stained clothes were found. Without direct evidence of Lizzie Bordens part in the murder, the jury was not convinced of her guilt. She was acquitted on June 20, 1893. After the Trial Although the towns social elite supported Lizzie during the trial, they cooled to her after the acquittal. Lizzie remained in Fall River, but she and Emma bought a new and bigger home in the elite part of town that she called Maplecroft, and she began calling herself Lizbeth instead of Lizzie. She dropped her club and charity work and began attending theater performances in Boston. She and Emma had a falling out in 1904 or 1905, possibly over Emmas displeasure at Lizzies friends from the theater crowd. Both Lizzie and Emma also took in many pets and left part of their estates to the Animal Rescue League. At the time of her death, Lizzie was a very wealthy woman; her estate was worth approximatelyà $250,000, the equivalent of about $7 million in 2019 dollars. Death At the age of 66, Lizzie Borden died of pneumonia in Fall River, Massachusetts, on June 1, 1927, her legend as an accused murderer is still strong. Her sister Emma died a few days later, at her home in Newmarket, New Hampshire. They were both buried next to their father and stepmother. The home in which the murders took place opened as a bed-and-breakfast in 1992. Legacy The World Catalog lists 1,200 entries dedicated to Lizzie Borden, including 580 books, 225 articles, 120 videos, and 90 theatrical pieces, the latter including ballets, operas, plays, television and movie scripts, and musical scores. Google Scholar lists over 4,500 entries, including 150 in 2018 alone. There are other accused and convicted murderers who attract more attention, of course, but there is a seemingly unending fascination with this particular story, primarily speculation about why this Victorian middle-class woman may have killed her family. Among all the literature, books, movies and other forms of art, postulated possible and impossible hypotheses about why or whether Lizzie Borden did hack her parents to death include:à She was criminally insane, with a dual personality like Jekyll and Hyde.She was irresponsible and ill, and hysteric in the Victorian sense.She was a free spirit who was oppressed by Victorian values.She adored her father who infantilized her, and one day she snapped.She was physically abused by her father and stepmother.She was a victim of incest.She was angry because she missed exercising the social standing she felt she deserved.Her father killed her stepmother and then Lizzie killed him because of it.Somebody else did it (a stranger; a rejected suitor; her uncle; the maid).Her stepmother broke up Lizzies relationship with a lover.She was involved in a lesbian affair with the maid and the parents found out.She was in love with her sisters suitor.For the money. Sources Bartle, Ronald (2017).à Lizzie Borden and the Massachusetts Axe Murders. Sherfield-on-Loddon, Hampshire: Waterside Press.Kent, David and Robert A. Flynn. The Lizzie Borden Sourcebook. Boston: Branden Books, 1992.Lincoln, Victoria. A Private Disgrace: Lizzie Borden by Daylight: (A True Crime Fact Account of the Lizzie Borden Ax Murders). Seraphim Press, 1967.Robertson, Cara W. Representing Miss Lizzie: Cultural Convictions in the Trial of Lizzie Borden. Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities 351 (1996): 351ââ¬â416. Print.Roggenkamp, Karen S. H. A Front Seat to Lizzie Borden: Julian Ralph, Literary Journalism, and the Construction of Criminal Fact. American Periodicals 8 (1998): 60-77. Print.Schofield, Ann. Lizzie Borden Took an Axe: History, Feminism and American Culture. American Studies 34.1 (1993): 91ââ¬â103. Print.The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. ââ¬Å"Lizzie Borden.â⬠à Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 15 July 2018.ââ¬Å"Lizzie Borden.â⬠à Famous Trials .
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